A NIA and NIEHS sponsored network dedicated to facilitating the collaboration between basic telomere biologists, population and exposure researchers, and other scientists across disciplines to advance inter disciplinary research on telomeres as sentinels of environment exposure, psychosocial stress and disease susceptibility.
Pilot Awards
Recipients of the 2021 Telomere Network Analysis Award have been announced! Check out our 2021 cohort of pilot awardees and their projects, ranging from environmental exposures to telomere length across the lifecourse.
New Investigators
New to telomere research? The TRN has collected resources for researchers interested in investigating the role of telomeres. The handbook provides an overview of telomere research and guidance for telomere length measurement and study design for optimal reproducibility.
The TRN has released two recommendations for the measurement of telomere length in population-based studies, concerning DNA extraction methodology and the use of intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) for measurement of assay precision.
Minimum Reporting Recommendations for qPCR TL Measurement
The Telomere Research Network has created minimum reporting recommendations for publication of telomere length measurement using qPCR. These recommendations are offered as initial guidelines for researchers, reviewers, and scientific research officers, and are considered minimal reporting guidelines for publications of PCR-based measurement of telomere length. For comments on these guidelines, please email telomerenetwork@gmail.com.
If you would like to be involved in the development of reporting recommendations for other assay types, please email telomerenetwork@gmail.com.
TRN Annual Meeting 2023
The meeting featured keynote speakers, poster sessions and updates on current studies investigating best practices in telomere research.